Sistas is a TV show created by Tyler Perry that started in 2019. The show is about a group of close women who are black and single. They live in Atlanta and deal with the good and bad things in their lives, including love, friendship, and work.
The show talks about social media and how it affects people, and it also shows how women can be strong and deal with difficult relationships. Each woman has her own problems, making Sistas a relatable and inspiring story about Black sisterhood.
If you’re interested in the show and are now wondering if you are going to get a new season any time soon, you have come to the right place. Keep reading!
What Went Down In The Previous Season Of Sistas?
In the previous season of Sistas, the group of women had a lot of problems with their personal lives and work, including love, heartbreak, and being betrayed. In the beginning, Rich did not want to be a father, however, Sabrina wanted to be a mother. Andi became a partner at her law firm, but her love life was complicated because of Gary and Jordan. She married Gary even though she still had feelings for Jordan, which caused a big fight.
Zac and Fatima had problems in their relationship. Fatima asked for help to deal with Gary, and Zac got ready for a fight. Hayden found out something bad about Tamara, which made his life even more difficult. Danni’s love life changed when Tony wanted to get back together with her.
The season ended with a big surprise at Andi and Gary’s wedding. Gary was found dead with a knife in his heart, which started a murder mystery for the next season. Fans were shocked and wanted to know what would happen next.
Are We Getting Another Season?
Sistas will have another season! We are not aware of the exact date because it is not out yet, however, it might be out in November 2024. They probably started filming in May 2024, so fans can expect new episodes soon.
However, it might be delayed until early 2025 depending on how fast they film. Even though we don’t know the exact date, fans can look forward to more drama and excitement!
What To Expect From It?
The next season of Sistas will have more drama and excitement because of the shocking ending of Season 7. Gary was stabbed at his wedding, and we don’t know if he will survive. This will probably lead to people wanting revenge and more problems between the characters.
The show will try to find out who stabbed Gary. Hayden, Danni, Jordan, and Madam all have reasons to hate Gary, so they might be the killer. The characters will have a lot of arguments and will learn new things about each other as they deal with the consequences of their actions.
Andi will have to deal with her complicated relationship with Gary and the possibility of his death. New relationships and problems between the other characters might also happen.
Who Will Be In The Cast?
The next season of Sistas will have the same main characters that have been in the show since it started. KJ Smith will play Andrea “Andi” Barnes, a strong and supportive friend. Ebony Obsidian will be playing Karen Mott who is a hair salon owner and who has also escaped an abusive relationship.
Mignon Von will play Daniella “Danni” King, an airline supervisor who is serious but also caring. Novi Brown might be playing Sabrina Hollins, a bank supervisor who is always trying to help her friends.
You will be excited to know that we might also see Chido Nwokocha as Gary Marshall Borders, DeVale Ellis as Zac Taylor, Brian Jordan Jr. as Maurice Webb, Kevin Walton as Aaron Carter, and David Lami Friebe as Trey. However, official confirmation regarding the full cast lineup is still pending, and viewers are eager to see how the dynamics evolve in the new season.
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Sistas Season 8 is coming soon! Fans can expect more drama and an intriguing storyline as the characters deal with the aftermath of Gary’s stabbing.
The show will explore new relationships, conflicts, and the potential return of a main character. With its strong cast and engaging storylines, Sistas continues to captivate audiences, and Season 8 promises to deliver more surprises and emotional moments.