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Supacell Episode 5 Review: A Nail-Biting Penultimate Episode

Supacell Episode 5 Review

Supacell Episode 5 is the most important episode of the series so far and is also the penultimate episode. It has some answers, a whole lot of mystery, and some shocking moments that will leave you biting your nails. Plenty is happening in this particular episode, and chances are that it might be a tad bit difficult to keep up, but different pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together.

Rodney, Tazer, Sabrina, and Andre meeting for the first time definitely did not as expected. However, their coming into contact with one another finally gives a glimpse at the bigger things that are at the play, and those who are controlling everything that is happening to the different people of color who have these unique superpowers.

In this review, we will talk a little more about the penultimate episode of Supacell, aka Episode 5.

Supacell Continues to Prove Its Worth

Supacell Episode 5 focuses on the last member of the 5, aka, Rodney. So far, this series has done a good job in giving each character their own episode, while also overlapping certain storylines in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the viewers and actually makes sense, seamlessly.

While this episode is titled, “Rodney” it is also about the answers that one might have been looking for in the previous episodes. Who are the people behind the supposed control panels?

Supacell Continues to Prove Its Worth
Credit: Netflix

Rodney reconnects with his mother in this episode, and it’s rather heartbreaking to watch. It might just be one of the most emotional scenes of the series, that doesn’t involve superpowers of any kind, just plain raw emotions, and all credit goes to Rodney, who struggles with Spud being hospitalized after the events of the previous episode.

There are a lot of relationships focused on this Supacell Episode 5, Michael and his mother, Michael and Dionne, Andre and his son, AJ, Tazer and his grandmother. While things are emotional, and not in a good way for most characters, Sabrina is finally making some strides in her career, but things might not be looking up for her sister, Sharleen.

Supacell Episode 5 Review
Credit: Netflix

While Dionne might not be one of the main characters of Supacell, she might have more answers, or at least the way, more than anyone else. As a social worker, one of the cases she looks into includes Jasmine, who was taken away. Before Michael and Jasmine can have an honest conversation, Rodney interrupts, and he’s finally ready to help Michael.

On some level, Supacell Episode 5 also feels like the beginning of the series, even though that’s not the case, but once again, the superheroes are almost all together, and so are the hooded figures. All answers now rest in the finale episode of the series.


Supacell has proved its worth time and again throughout the series, and it has done it once again in Episode 5. The next episode will be the last, at least for now, so make sure you keep a lookout for our review of the same!

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