Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has been released on Paramount+ on August 9th. The series brings back memories of the Ninja turtles for a lot of people. Alan Wan and Christopher Yost have created this animated series that is out for people to enjoy. So let us take a look at its review to find out how it is.
Turtles Living Dual Lives
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has 12 episodes and it brings the soul of Mutant Mayhem as it takes place just two months after its events. When Bishop shows up, the turtle gang has to split and go different ways.
They have to look strong and do the superhero stuff while living the teenage life.
After the split, the turtles are chased by a robot of Bishop. While we get to know each of the turtles, it’s not sufficient given how many episodes the show has. The makers wanted to focus more on the plot than the characters and that’s a creative call which is fine.
It’s nice to see that the makers are very much aware of the age of all the leading turtles and they keep that in mind. Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is filled with fun moments and the action is also enjoyable.
But its PG-13 cleanup is something that feels bothersome. Even some of the most brutal fights are so much toned down that it takes away the fun.
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Moments of Emotional Purity
The aforementioned statement might create a bleak picture but that’s not the whole thing. Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has some really nice emotional moments as well that resonate very deeply, especially when the squad is together.
The way they have got the back of one another is something that is the core of this show. The characters are well etched out but they don’t have enough me-time on the screen to focus on the individuals struggles.
We maybe get to see all of this in the follow-up season if the show does well. The pros of this rendition of Ninja Turtle have to be the fun-inducing moments that are quite funny also at times.
But the ceiling touches during the scenes of violence as mentioned above. The voice acting by everyone is really impressive including that of Micah Abbey, Shamon Brown Jr., Nicolas Cantu, and Brady Noon.
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be loved by people who are fans of crime-fighting turtles. It’s soft around the edges in terms of its tone and there is enough to love.
Many scenes, dialogues, and moments really shine and stand out and make us believe again that this franchise is not dead and we are glad about that. This series warrants a view and the 12 episodes go by at a reasonable speed. The last six episodes compensate for the slowness of the first six.