The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives is a reality television show that consists of eight episodes. The series is about a bunch of women who are Mormon wives and it focuses on the events that made them very popular on the internet. It was released on September 6th, 2024 on Hulu. If you are planning to watch the show, here is a review to help you.
Influencer Mormons
The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives is about a group of women consisting of Jennifer Affleck, Taylor Frankie Paul, Whitney Leavitt, Jessi Ngatikaura, Mikayla Mathews, Mayci Neeley, Demi Engemann and Layla Wessel. They had started momtalks on TikTok a few years ago where they showcased their Mormon lives. But their names quickly got associated with swinging.
The series showcases the hardships of being Mormon wives because one needs to follow all the rules. All these ladies are trying to subvert the patriarchal notions of our society. But their intentions are overshadowed by some of their actions.
All of them start mom talk and their popularity provides many deals with brands. As the series moves forward, the curiosity around the swinging scandal keeps growing.
Taylor Admits Her Involvement
In The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, Taylor is the only one who admits that she performed swinging. She is divorced and does not believe in having only one partner in life. The later episodes showcase how flawed everyone is in their own way.
This is despite the perfect lifestyle these wives try to show on social media. Whitney and her husband had a shaky patch but things seem sorted now. Taylor was actually arrested because she performed battery. The entire arrest was captured by the cops through the camera.
She is easily one of the most interesting characters in the show. Many people might see her as a vamp. But she is not all bad and flawed. After Taylor was released from prison, the mom talk group was dismantled.
All the ladies have parted ways now. Taylor and Whitney are at loggerheads. Meanwhile, Zen is a young lady whose life has been quite sad. Her husband is quite a control freak and restricts her life choices. We also see Jen going through a possible divorce.
The series showcases how the lives of these ladies were before and after the entire scandal. None of them are perfect and that is absolutely wholesome to watch. Taylor and the rest reveal certain details about the popular swinging event which made them very famous.
In The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, the makers go beyond the swinging scandal and that was a right decision. It is more than a sensationalistic reality show as it focuses on the genuine life story of these women. The series portrays them as they are without taking anyone’s side.
One only wishes that there were fewer episodes because eight feels like a major stretch. Despite the shortcomings, The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives should be viewed.