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Federer: Twelve Final Days Review: Farewell to a Legend

Federer: Twelve Final Days

“Federer: Twelve Final Days” shows an emotional finish to a tennis legend’s career—one that is regarded as the greatest in history. Over twelve days, the documentary follows his struggles, wins, and the last tennis event that signals the end of an era.

Yes, you might have guessed the tennis legend we’re talking about. Let’s check if “Federer: Twelve Final Days” is worth watching, for those wondering. 

Federer: Twelve Final Days
Credits: Prime Video

A Graceful Goodbye

Unlike other works, such as “Amy” and documentaries on the complicated personalities of Maradona and Senna, Kapadia and Joe Sabia’s “Federer: Twelve Final Days” presents an intimate portrait of Roger Federer’s goodbye from professional tennis.

In contrast to them, Federer established a composed, gentlemanly persona during his remarkable career, both on and off the court.

With a duration of almost ninety minutes, the documentary pays a moving tribute to Federer. It follows the last twelve days of his career, starting with his private statement to close friends and family that he was retiring, and ending with his tearful social media reveal.

The story then revolves around his last appearance in the 2022 Laver Cup, when he interacts with tennis greats and Rafael Nadal, a former competitor now a buddy.

A Graceful Goodbye
Credits: Prime Video

The documentary strategically introduces Nadal after establishing Federer’s unmatched skill through archival footage and expert commentary. This strategy not only establishes Federer as a tennis master but also lays the groundwork for the documentary’s central emotional theme, which is his developing relationship with Nadal.

The story is enhanced by Federer’s open observations about previous clashes, especially those with Novak Djokovic, which illuminate the complexity hiding behind his cool demeanor. He adds a humanizing touch by admitting his initial disdain for Djokovic and then making amends during his farewell match, which makes people think about the basics of competitive sportsmanship.

The Emotional Journey to Retirement Shown in Federer: Twelve Final Days

“Federer: Twelve Final Days” sets itself apart from other sports documentaries by keeping a realistic and non-exaggerated storyline. The movie, which focuses on Roger Federer’s retirement, tackles topics of emotional reflection that are rarely discussed in sports media.

Conversations on retirement as a face-to-face encounter with mortality strike a deep chord, reflecting views held by members of Federer’s close circle, including coach Severin Luthi and agent Tony Godsick.

The documentary is organized chronologically, beginning with Federer’s announcement of his retirement in private. It goes into great detail about the carefully planned PR campaign and the concern over possible leaks.

Among those closest to him, including his wife Mirka, a former tennis player herself, emotions are running high as they get ready for his farewell appearance at the Laver Cup. She looks back on their journey with a mixture of happiness and sorrow.

The Emotional Journey to Retirement Shown in Federer: Twelve Final Days
Credits: News18

Federer’s openness about his wounds and the toll they have taken on him and his family shows his vulnerability. His establishment of the Laver Cup, a tribute to tennis history, gives his farewell an even more melancholy touch, demonstrating his admiration for the game and its icons.

Throughout “Federer: Twelve Final Days,” Roger Federer confronts the impending end of his career with a palpable sense of closure. In sharp contrast to his calm demeanor on the court, he constantly tells himself, “I’m solid,” while fighting back tears, revealing his inner struggle. 

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“Federer: Twelve Final Days” delivers a poignant conclusion to Roger Federer’s illustrious career, capturing both the emotional turmoil and graceful resolve that defined his farewell. Unlike the turbulent personas of other sports legends depicted in documentaries, Federer’s composed demeanour on and off the court shapes a narrative of sportsmanship and vulnerability. 

The documentary’s chronological structure effectively portrays his retirement journey, from private deliberations to public revelations, culminating in a heartfelt farewell at the 2022 Laver Cup. Through candid reflections and intimate moments, Federer’s legacy as a tennis icon and a model of dignity in competition shines brightly in this touching tribute.

About Tarushi Patali

Tarushi is a film enthusiast who also loves to write about them. She previously worked at NetflixJunkie And Film Fugitives. In her free time, you will find her reading a fiction novel or binge-watching a series.

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