“Rising Impact,” the anime adaptation of Nakaba Suzuki’s acclaimed manga, marks a significant leap from his renowned works like “The Seven Deadly Sins” and “Four Knights of the Apocalypse”.
“Rising Impact” follows third-grader Gawain Nanaumi’s adventure as he learns to play golf and competes against classmates. Now that it is out on Netflix, let’s see if “Rising Impact” is worth a watch.
A Fresh Take on Sports Anime Shown in Rising Impact
This series explores a sport that is rarely portrayed in anime, with an emphasis on professional golfer Kiria. Her trip to Japan’s Tohoku area takes an unexpected turn when she meets Gawain Nanaumi, a foreign guy who speaks Japanese fluently and has a passion for baseball.
After meeting Kiria, who unintentionally becomes his motivation, Gawain decides to concentrate on golf instead of baseball because of Kiria’s exceptional talent.
Gawain’s natural skill shows early, and with Kiria’s guidance, he embarks on a mission to become a professional golfer. Golf is expertly interestingly shown in the anime, making the sport understandable even to viewers who are not familiar with its intricacies.
It aims to ensure clarity throughout the action by educating the viewer about the intricacies and laws of golf.
Despite its efforts, the series acknowledges the challenge of conveying the intense competitive spirit typical of sports anime, like ‘Blue Lock,’ due to golf’s slower pace and strategic gameplay.
However, it makes up for it with a story that highlights Gawain’s development as a person, the intricacies of mentoring, and the quest for success in a sport that is frequently marginalized in popular culture.
The characters in “Rising Impact” are refreshingly unique, led by Gawain Nanaumi, whose sunny disposition and unwavering optimism define his personality. He takes an enduring approach to life, constantly doing his hardest and keeping a close relationship with his mentor, Kiria, whom he respects and taunts in jest.
In addition, the series presents opponents that stoke Gawain’s competitive fire and give his golfing adventure more nuance.
Visuals, Music, and Overall Appeal
Humour plays a significant role, often revolving around the ambiguous nature of Gawain and Kiria’s relationship, teasing a romantic angle that hints at Nakaba Suzuki’s tendency for unconventional pairings despite age gaps.
Names from Arthurian legends such as Gawain, Lancelot, Tristan, and Merlin are included, which highlights Suzuki’s interest in these subjects even more than in his earlier works, such as “The Seven Deadly Sins.”
However, the series’ first season concludes somewhat abruptly, leaving viewers hanging before a crucial tournament. The show is notable for its representation of Gawain’s maturation and the thematic undercurrents derived from Arthurian legend, which makes for an engaging blend of sports, friendship, and personal progress in every episode—even despite its humorous moments and character-driven plot.
“Rising Impact” is an enjoyable series, though those not particularly interested in golf might find it harder to connect with. Golf enthusiasts or those curious about the sport will likely appreciate it more.
As an anime, it excels in animation quality and music, providing a visually appealing experience. It’s recommended to give it a try to gauge personal interest; its engaging narrative and production values may pleasantly surprise, making it worth continuing for those drawn to its unique blend of sports, friendship, and character growth.
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“Rising Impact” offers a unique and engaging take on a sport rarely featured in anime. While golf enthusiasts and those curious about the sport will find it particularly appealing, the series’ strong animation, music, and character development make it worth a watch for a broader audience.
The story of Gawain’s growth, guided by his mentor Kiria, provides a heartwarming narrative filled with friendship and personal achievement. Despite an abrupt ending to the first season, the series promises more exciting developments in the next instalment. Give it a try to see if its unique charm and quality resonate with you.