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Supacell Episode 3 Review: Sabrina Shocks Herself as the Plot Thickens

supacell episode 3

Supacell Episode 3 is the mid-point of the series, and if you have binge-watched this series, then you will most likely feel like it’ll be over in no time, and you might be left with more questions than answers.

However, as the series continues to unfold, one realizes that the answers to the questions one might have won’t be packed in one big moment, but in small moments scattered throughout the episodes as the main characters continue to figure their powers and their lives out.

Supacell has an intriguing plot so far, and the narrative is smoother than ever, but the action and intensity of the series are also increasing as we move toward the second half. In this review, we will take a look at the third episode of the series, so make sure you tread lightly because there will be spoilers ahead.

Sabrina Saves One Life, Ends Another

Supacell Episode 3 picks up from the end of the previous episode, and we already know there’s going to be a big fight and Tazer will be at the center of it all, and that’s exactly what happened. Tazer’s storyline continues to be bloody, but also one of the more interesting ones in the series overall, giving tough competition to Michael.

Sabrina Saves One Life, Ends Another
Credit: Netflix

Yet another strong start, Supacell wastes no time in proving a point that it isn’t for the faint-hearted. Once again, we see glimpses of Michael’s relationship with Dionne, but it’s important to remember that this isn’t the only important subplot of the series. Supacell Episode 3 is titled “Sabrina,” and that’s exactly what we get in this episode.

Sabrina is definitely more different as compared to Tazer and Michael, in every way possible. Things certainly aren’t easy for her, especially when her powers start acting up at her workplace, which could have also cost one of her patients their life. Unlike Tazer, Sabrina is more than freaked out about her new superpower and is unsure of what she needs to do next.

Tazer and Michael
Credit: Netflix

While Supacell Episode 3 focuses on Sabrina, there are also a considerable amount of scenes with Andre (and occasionally Rodney), which also shows his relationship with his son. Andre and Sabrina also have a chance encounter where he saves her life, but it’s a limited interaction. Nevertheless, these chance encounters are crucial for the series.

Towards the end of the episode, Rodney and Michael meet each other for the first time, meanwhile, Sabrina manages to save her sister from a man in the club. However, this isn’t just a scene to show her power, but also proves that there are many more out there with these powers, and there’s something much bigger at play.

Rodney and Michael
Credit: Netflix


Supacell Episode 3, much like the previous episodes has kept us glued to the screen, and we’re just as curious about this series as you are. Do let us know in the comments what you think about the series so far!

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