Blood Coast is a French television series in the action crime genre. It has been created by Kamel Guemra and directed by Olivier Marchal and Ivan Fegyveres. The series stars Jeanne Goursaud, Tewfik Jallab, and Nicolas Duvauchelle. Upon its release on Netflix, the series became a very big success and was loved by viewers for its action and storyline.
Since then, Blood Coast Season 2 has been very anticipated by fans across the globe. In this article, we will be taking a look at whether Netflix has given the go-ahead to the second season or not.
What Is Blood Coast All About?
Originally called Pax Massilia, Blood Coast was released on December 6th, 2023. It consists of six episodes and follows the story of a drug dealer who tries to take control of Marseille in France. To stop him, a man who is the captain of the police force creates a plan.
He assembles several cops to take the criminal down and save the city. The rest of the story chronicles a fight between the good and the evil.
What Happened In The Last Season Of Blood Coast?
Blood Coast shows Lyès (Tewfik Jallab) bust and end a dealing of drugs with his skilled team members. Their action is not well received by Marion Fabiani (played by Florence Thomassin), who is the Commissioner of police. Alice Vidal (Erin Yvette) who is an agent at Interpol is also involved in the story.
Towards the end, the actual nature of Alice. Meanwhile, Lyès meets Ali. Later on, Murillo captures a team member which deteriorates the situation. Ali is seen retaliating after Lyès tries to put bait in front of Murillo. We get to know a shocking truth as the finale wraps.
Is Blood Coast Season 2 Happening?
So far, the creators and Netflix have not confirmed Blood Coast Season 2. But fans should be happy as the second season ended on a cliffhanger note and the story has not reached its conclusion. Since the second season premiered in February 2024, we can expect the makers to look into the numbers it has attracted to greenlight the second season.
What Can We Expect From Blood Coast Season 2?
The first season of Blood Coast had a bombasting ending which has left the fans wanting more. People are wondering what will happen to the character of Captain Lyès Benamar. There was a suggestion that the hero would get arrested.
In Blood Coast Season 2, we can expect more thrills and twists just like the first season. The makers might explore what will happen after Lyès’ comes back from prison. We can also see him reuniting with the team and going at loggerheads with Ali Saïdi (Samir Boitard) who heads the underworld network in the city of Marseille.
Franck Murillo (Nicolas Duvauchelle) was also jailed in the first season. Ali is made to walk away by the authorities just to maintain the peace and law situation in the city.
Sadly, the makers have not revealed a release date for the second season.
Who Will Be In The Cast?
Talking about the casting of Blood Coast season 2, we can expect all the characters to return from the first season. Tewfik Jallab will make a comeback in his lead role as Captain Lyès Benamar. Jeanne Goursaud (Alice Vidal), Samir Boitard (Ali Saïdi) and Nicolas Duvauchelle Franck Murillo) can also make a comeback.
Besides them, other actors will also reprise their respective characters in the second season. This includes Moussa Maaskri (Tarek Hamadi), Olivier Barthélémy (Arno Cabella), Florence Thomassin (Marion Fabiani), Lani Sogoyou (Audrey Ilunga), Idir Azougli (Max Tatoo Russo) and Diouc Koma (Victor Miranda) etc.
Blood Coast impressed the audiences with its well-choreographed action sequences and set pieces. It struck various chords with people not just in France but across different nations. Since the first season was so engaging and thrilling, it has left people wanting more.