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The Big Door Prize Season 2 Episode 10 Review: What’s Next for the Morpho Machine?

The Big Door Prize Season 2 Episode 10 Review

The Big Door Prize Season 2 has now officially come to an end with the season finale streaming on Apple TV+. This season of the comedy-drama has been a fantastic addition to the streaming platform, but it’s time to take a look at the season finale and whether or not it lived up to the expectations.

Frankly, The Big Door Prize Season 2 Episode 10 has left us with more questions than answers, and one can only hope this means that Season 3 is possibly in the works!

As far as The Big Door Prize Season 2 Episode 10 goes, it was filled with entertainment, plot twists, and some gasp-worthy moments, however, despite all of that, it still felt incomplete.

In this review, we will talk a little more about the season finale, and what worked versus what didn’t work, so make sure you stick around until the end. There will be spoilers ahead!

Is Dusty In The Morpho Machine?

The Big Door Prize Season 2 Episode 10 was set with the backdrop of the Deercoming parade which is one of the most important events in Deerfield. In the previous episode, we saw all the residents of the town preparing for this event, and as far as the event goes, it did not disappoint. However, there were far too many ongoing subplots parallel to the parade, which diverted our attention from time to time.

For starters, Trina and Jacob’s relationship has hit a major hurdle, and from wanting to live together, Jacob now wants to be alone. This happened after Trina took Kolton’s card, which said “guide” and handed it to her father who broke the Morpho machine in the previous episode.

Is Dusty In The Morpho Machine?
Credit: Apple TV+

Dusty needed this guide desperately, however, it has caused a dent in Trina and Jacob’s relationship. It’s safe to say Trina won’t be moving in with Jacob, and another reason for that is her mother.

Cass and Dusty were almost on the right path together, happy again, but that was very short-lived. In The Big Door Prize Season 2 Episode 10, we see the two of them have a small yet powerful confrontation that has made us believe that they might just be done for good.

However, there’s still a big question mark on where they stand. P.S. Alice was completely MIA in the season finale!

The Big Door Prize Season 2 Episode 10 Review
Credit: Apple TV+

As we mentioned earlier, there were several ongoing subplots in The Big Door Prize Season 2 season finale and it was almost difficult to keep up with some of them, especially because the rest of the season was a breezy ride.

In this episode, we also see Hana receive a blue packet with a hint about the Morpho machine, however, that is left alone as a loose end, but it is certain that this will play a bigger part in the next season, and so we are keeping our fingers crossed for some answers.

Credit: Apple TV+

The episode ends on a very cryptic and shocking cliffhanger where he finally sees Dusty use the guide in the Morpho machine and the next thing we know…he is in the Morpho machine, and that’s where the season ends. It truly felt incomplete and underdeveloped, but the rest of the season surely makes up for what the season finale lacked.

Morpho machine
Credit: Apple TV+


If you are just as curious about The Big Door Prize Season 2 Episode 10 as we are, make sure you keep a lookout on our website for any latest updates of the next season!

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