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Dark Matter Episode 8 Preview: Release Date and More

Dark Matter Episode 8 Preview

The plot has thickened tenfold in Dark Matter streaming on Apple TV+ starring Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Connelly, Alice Braga, Jimmi Simpson, and Oakes Fegley. With 7 episodes now available on the streaming platform, viewers are eager to know what’s next for the characters – Jason 1 and Jason 2. Dark Matter Episode 7 was a turning point for the two men, and it will be interesting to see how the narrative moves forward.

Admittedly, it took some time for Dark Matter to pick up the pace but it was important for the series to establish the concept of multiverse and also show it off in the best way possible. Nevertheless, now that we have reached the turning point in the series, let’s give you a glimpse into what you can expect from Dark Matter Episode 8. There will be spoilers ahead!

What Happened in Dark Matter Episode 7?

Dark Matter Episode 7 was definitely the most important episode of the series so far, which means things are going to get a lot more interesting and complex from this point forward. For starters, Jason 2 realized that he could be in great trouble after a detective showed up at his house and asked him questions about Ryan’s disappearance. The same Ryan that Jason 2 abandoned in a different universe!

While Jason 2 attempts to cover his tracks and also brings Ryan back to the universe, he has bigger fish to fry. In another universe, Jason 1 and Amanda have entered an idealistic version of Chicago, and this is where Amanda reveals that she has decided to stay back in this universe, as much as Jason 1 wanted to, he knows that he must go on to find his family, and so, the two of them ways from each other in Dark Matter Episode 7.

What Happened in Dark Matter Episode 7?
Credit: Apple TV+

Now, Jason 1 barely had any ampoules left and it was now or never. Fate, his emotions, and much more were on his side this time around and Jason 1 finally managed his way back into this universe. More than fate, it was also Jason 2 breaking down the seal of the box. Jason 1 and Jason 2 are now officially in the same universe!

What Can You Expect from Dark Matter Episode 8?

Now, Jason 1 has entered his original universe, and by the end of the previous episode, Jason 2 has been made aware that Jason 1 is back, and the panic has officially set in. This was the last thing Jason 2 needed on his already full plate, but things have definitely taken an interesting and inevitable turn.

In Dark Matter Episode 8, Jason 2 must take some grave measures to ensure that Jason 1 doesn’t make any contact with Daniela and Charlie because that would be the end of him.

So, he decides to tell Daniela and Charlie that they must leave town immediately, making it harder for Jason 1 to get in touch with his family.

What Can You Expect from Dark Matter Episode 8?
Credit: Apple TV+

It will be interesting to witness how things finally unfold when Jason 1 and Jason 2 finally face one another in Dark Matter.

When and Where Can You Watch Dark Matter Episode 8?

Dark Matter Episode 8 will be available to stream exclusively on Apple TV+ from June 19, 2024.


Jason 1 and Jason 2 are in the same universe and we are just has thrilled as you are. Make sure you keep a lookout for our review of Dark Matter Episode 8, because you wouldn’t want to miss out on it!

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