The Crow Girl is an upcoming American psychological thriller television series. It is written by Milly Thomas and helmed by Charles Martin and Rebecca Rycroft. The series is based on the namesake series of books that were penned by Erik Axl Sund.
Recently, the makers of this upcoming show announced some important details related to its plot and other things. Fans of the book are particularly excited to finally see their favorite literary work finally coming live on the screen. This article is for you if are looking for some answers.
What Is The Crow Girl All About?
The Crow Girl centers around a series of murders that take place in close proximity. It starts off with the discovery of a dead body of a body who was in his teen years. Jeanette Kirkland (played by Eve Myles), who is a Detective Superintendent, starts investigating the death and realizes that the boy was an immigrant.
Kirkland then joins hands with Sophia Craven (Katherine Kelly) to search for the boy’s killer. Sophia works as a psychotherapist. In her pursuit, Jeanette faces a lot of roadblocks and opposition from the police force and her seniors like DI Lou Stanley (Dougray Scott).
As the story progresses, both Jeanette and Sophie discover several shocking truths about the murder as well as linkups to corruption in the police department. More murders take place as the investigation continues and the two begin to have a strong bond with each other.
Do We Have A Release Date?
Sadly, we don’t have a release date for The Crow Girl since the makers haven’t announced it yet. But it is expected that the much-awaited series will be premiered on Paramount Plus in late 2024 or early 2025. We can expect some official announcement on the same. The shooting of The Crow Girl took place in Bristol.
The series is based on the namesake book written by Erik Axl Sund which is the pen name of the writer duo of Håkan Sundquist and Jerker Eriksson. Tony Wood and Richard Tulk-Hart are serving as the executive producers of the series while Andy Moose is the producer. The Crow Girl is jointly backed by Buccaneer Media and ITV Studios.
Who Is In The Cast?
Welsh actress Eve Myles is portraying the role of DCI Jeanette Kirkland in The Crow Girl. She has appeared in several successful series including Belonging and played Gwen Cooper in the sci-fi series Torchwood.
Apart from that, Eve is also known for her appearance in Keeping Faith where she played the titular role. Recently, she appeared in the action thriller series Hijack as well as the mystery thriller Broadchurch.
English actress Katherine Kelly will be seen playing the role of Sophie Craven who is a psychotherapist. Kelly is known for her work in the daily soap Coronation Street as well as her work on Mr Selfridge and Class.
Apart from these two, the series also has Scottish actor Dougray Scott playing the role of DI Lou Stanley. He has done films like Tom Cruise’s Mission: Impossible 2 and My Week with Marilyn. For his role in the series Crime, Scott was bestowed with an Emmy Award for Best Actor.
Besides them, The Crow Girl also stars Clara Rugaard (playing Victoria Burkeman), Victoria Hamilton (Superintendent Verity Pound), Elliot Edusah (DC Mike Dilliston), Chloe Sweetlove (Madeleine Burkeman) and Lee Boardman (David White) among others.
The Crow Girl is one of the most acclaimed books to come out in the past decade. It has millions of fans from different locations of the world. Now that it has been adapted into a series, fans of the book are filled with excitement.
We can expect a faithful and intelligent adaptation of the acclaimed piece of work. Another thing that makes The Crow Girl a very anticipated series is its star cast. Both Eve Myles and Katherine Kelly are really accomplished and have impressive filmography.
Fans are now eagerly waiting for the series to be released. People who haven’t read the book will be also able to enjoy it for its story and characters.