Touch, an upcoming movie by Baltasar Kormákur, is all set to tug on your heartstrings as the narrative revolves around lost love. This movie is based on a novel by Ólafur Jóhann Ólafsson and as far as the trailer goes, appears to be a visual treat that you wouldn’t want to miss out on, which is why we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about Touch.
Romance movies are always a classic, the kind that brings tears to your eyes, and that’s the journey you will embark on with Touch. So, make sure you stick around until the very end of this article to learn everything you need to know about Touch, from the plot to the cast and much more.
What is the Plot of Touch?
The premise of this movie revolves around the main character, Kristófer, and his journey before times run out for him after the doctor tells him about a life-threatening illness. This is the time of Kristófer’s life when he needs to complete anything and everything in his life that he always wanted, which leads him on a mission to find his lost love after 50 years.
The trailer of Touch reveals that the movie will take place in the present time with several flashbacks of the past when Kristófer first met the love of life, Miko, however, their love was a secret from her father and was abandoned because of their differences. Now, as Kristófer is nearing the end of his life, he must do whatever it takes to reconnect with Miko, even if that means traveling all across the world.
The Cast of Touch
Touch has a diverse cast of talented actors and actresses including Egill Ólafsson (Med Allt A Hreinu, When the Raven Flies) who will play the lead role of Kristófer. Playing the younger version of Kristófer is Palmi Kormákur (A Little Trip to Heaven, The Deep), who will be joined by Mitsuki Kimura (Suicide Forest Village, Poisonous Roses), or as she is famously known, Koki.
The other cast members of Touch are Masahiro Motoki, Yôko Narahashi, Ruth Sheen, Masatoshi Nakamura, Meg Kubota, and Charles Nishikawa.
When and Where Can You Watch Touch?
The official release date of the movie is still a few months away, however, when it is released, it will receive the big screen treatment. The upcoming movie by Baltasar Kormákur is set to be released in theaters on July 12.
If reading about Touch evoked an emotional response, then we highly recommend booking your tickets to watch this movie closer to the release date, and do let us know in the comments what your thoughts about Touch are so far!